Looking to buy Shiba Inu (SHIB) with Perfect Money?
HiExchange is all you need in one platform and here there is a full 2024 guide How to exchange your Perfect Money to Shiba Inu.
A few years ago, Dogecoin had a massive success for being a memecoin and managed to achieve great returns. Soon after, SHIB mysteriously appeared out of nowhere with wild rallies that made a lot of people rich!
While this recipe may seem easy, almost no other memecoin could repeat SHIB’s success. For the most part, this popularity comes from a strong community of investors who remain faithful in their doggy coin.
In this article, we will go over everything you need on how to buy Shiba Inu (SHIB) with Perfect Money without paying any exchange fees.
What Do I Need to Buy Shiba Inu (SHIB) with Perfect Money?
For this transaction, you will need a verified Perfect Money account.
Make sure that the transaction amount does not exceed your deposit limit.
To receive SHIB, you will have to have a crypto wallet that supports Shiba.
As for HiExchange, all you need is an email-address since no KYC (know your customer) is necessary. However, bear in mind that there are many advantages available for those who sign up on HiExchange.
Why to change SHIB to PM?
Perfect Money is an e-currency used for making payments on the internet. It is widely accepted as payment option by countless platforms.
With Perfect Money, you can do a lot! Be it transferring funds to others or pay for goods and services. Or how about buying cryptocurrencies or even buying fiat currencies. It is a seriously popular payment method for online users. An additional capability is to loan and receipt issuance throughout the system.
The biggest downside of Perfect Money, however, is that you cannot cash Perfect money to your bank account on its website directly. For that, you will need a platform like HiExchange to exchange your Perfect Money to PayPal and other e-currencies.
How to Buy Shiba Inu (SHIB) with Perfect Money?
- Step 1: Enter the homepage first, then select Perfect Money and Shiba Inu from the options in the first step. Enter the amount you want to exchange. Following that, the amount of SHIB you will receive will automatically calculate.

- Step 2: Press Next and you will go to the next stage where you will enter your Shiba wallet details, email, and phone number.

- Step 3: One more time, click on the “Next” button and you will go to the next step where you will review your order.

- Step 4: Complete the captcha and click on exchange to go to the next step where you will obtain a tracking ID. Press the “Pay Order” button to go to the Perfect Money gateway and make the payment to our Perfect Money account. Having transferred your Perfect Money to HiExchange, your order will process very quickly.

- Step 5: By finishing all the steps above, our team of professionals will send the Shiba to your wallet ASAP.
All Good!
When you finish the steps above, our team will process your order and send the Shiba Inu to your wallet address. The transaction may take a few minutes. In the meantime, you will have a track id to follow up on your order.
Simply enter the main page and type in your track id in the specified field to see your live order status. Keep in mind that your track id is private information and you should not share it with anyone else.
HiExchange FTW!
Cryptocurrencies are a financial apparatus to maximize privacy and efficiency. Sadly, regulations have been severely disrupting the market as they compromise both.
HiExchange seeks to be a platform that offers privacy and efficiency simultaneously while offering some of the most aggressive exchange rates in the market.
To make this happen, the platform does not require KYC or a sign up process. This way, all customers can easily make transactions without a possible compromise on their personal information.
However, privacy is a crucial element and not a luxury. In that regard, the platform offers some of the most competitive rates amongst all online exchanges. The rates are automatically determined utilizing an automated system and are updated as soon as change in value is detected.
Last but not least, by offering true 24/7 support, all customers will be in touch with the team in case anything goes unplanned.