Are you ready for a better and safer exchange experience? You can exchange Binance Coin to PayPal on HiExchange with the lowest exchange fees. HiExchange offers full anonymity for customers and does not require KYC or sing up. Binance Coin is the native token of the Binance exchange which is by far the most popular exchange app. Considering the massive number of ICOs as well as other projects, BNB is a popular investment for crypto lovers. However, due to various regulations, Binance has limited access for numerous countries. Well, HiExchange does not discriminate. You can easily and anonymously exchange Binance Coin to PayPal with awesome exchange rates!
Head over to HiExchange to start!
What is Binance Coin (BNB)?
Initially found in China, Binance began as an online cryptocurrency exchange with a strong emphasis on altcoin trading. It didn’t take long for Binance to be crowned as the number one exchange in the world. Amongst the numerous motivating factors and reasons for this profound success, the primary one were high liquidity, low transaction fees and additional discounts for users who made payments by its native coin, BNB. The massive platform has a staggering capacity to process approximately 1.4 million orders per second, offering trading for more than 500 cryptocurrencies and virtual tokens.
As for trading, Binance offers seven trade orders of Limit order, Market order, stop limit order, stop market order, Trailing stop order, Post only order and Limit TP/SL order. Despite the varying transaction fees for withdrawal based on the currency and its amount, there is no transaction fee for deposits.
Initially introduced as an ERC20 Ethereum based cryptocurrency in 2017, BNB has now moved on to Binance’s own blockchain named Binance chain. As the native coin for Binance exchange, BNB was primarily a utility token to motivate users for transaction fee discounts. However, the applications for Binance coin have now expanded dramatically since you can now use Binance Coin for financial services, entertainment, online services and many more.
With all this development happening in a short time period, the 26,500% overall price increase (correct as of January 2022) since being introduced in 2017 is well justified. As of June 4th 2021 BNB has a market cap of $58.54 billion dollars and is only ranked behind Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Why Exchange Binance Coin to PayPal?
PayPal is an online trade company that, through online transfers, facilitates payments between parties. Its system allows clients to set up an account on its platform that is linked to the user’s credit card or checking account. Upon confirmation of identification and proof of funds, through the website or application of the company, users can begin sending or receiving payments online to and from other PayPal accounts.
As mentioned above, in order to transfer money to others using the receiver’s email address or mobile phone number, PayPal account holders can use the website or mobile application of the company. Within only a matter of minutes, transactions go through and the company promises that transfers are immediately available for payment or withdrawal to a bank account.
The ease of use and the wide acceptance makes the exchange cryptocurrencies to PayPal one of the best options when you need some cash to spend online.
All that said, you also have the ability to exchange Binance Coin to Perfect Money USD, Payeer USD or Webmoney USD.
HiExchange is Better!
Cryptocurrencies are not the same as before. Countless regulations are setting limit to a seemingly free form of finance. Unfortunately, Binance has to abide by so many different rules and regulations in order to maximize profit. The same goes for other big exchange apps since they’re all following the same road. These regulations limit the customers in so many different forms. Some countries like the United States require transaction information for transfers over a certain amount. In that regard, exchange apps are bound to share customer’s personal information with the government.
HiExchange does not ask for your personal information so there will be no way to share it with anyone. You will have a fully anonymous transaction on HiExchange.
But this anonymity should not come as a luxury. Subsequently, we offer some of the lowest exchange fees you can find anywhere. Don’t believe it? Check out websites such as BesChange or OkChanger and see our competitive rates for yourself.
Lastly, to make sure everything goes smooth, HiExchange provides true 24/7 online support. Our support team is ready to answer all your questions and deal with any issue you might have.
How to Exchange Binance Coin to PayPal
- Enter the Homepage on HiExchange. Select Binance Coin (BNB) on the left field and PayPal on the right one. Enter the exchange amount and wait for the rates to apply.
- Click on Exchange and you will be forwarded to the next step where you will need to enter your PayPal account details, Binance Coin wallet address, email, and phone number (optional).
- Click on “Exchange” one more time as you go to the next page to review your order.
- At this point, you will obtain your Tracking ID, an address and an explorer URL.
- On this step, please dedicate some time to review our terms and conditions and the instructions.
- Transfer your BNB to the HiExchange wallet address that is provided for you.
- Finally, click on the “I’ve paid” button.
That’s It!
Having completed the steps above, our team will process your order and send the assets to your PayPal address. The process might take some time due to PayPal payment system. In the meantime, you can spend some time reading the latest crypto news on HiExchange Blog. If you have any questions or problems, our support team is online 24/7. Keep in mind that you can also earn money online working with HiExchange platform.