HiExchange is on fire with a long list of new cryptocurrencies added to the list. As of December 11, you can buy and Sell Terra (LUNA) on the exchange platform. In this article, we will go over everything you need to exchange LUNA to PayPal. The Terra network brings a revolutionary idea to the blockchain network. As a blockchain payment platform for stablecoins, it satisfies the massive demand as a platform that creates stablecoins. LUNA as the native token of this network has had enormous success in only a short period of time.
Head over to HiExchange and exchange LUNA to PayPal.
What is Terra (LUNA)?
The Terra network is an open-source blockchain protocol that works as a payment platform for stablecoins. Essentially, the network creates stablecoins pegged to fiat currencies. These stablecoins constantly track the price of these fiat currencies. Within the network, users can buy, hold, trade or simply exchange all stablecoins.
Perhaps the biggest challenge for any stablecoin is to keep the value pegged and stable. To overcome this challenge, Terra network balances the supply and demand by their governance token LUNA. Used for both governance and mining, LUNA ensures that all stablecoins remain stable. In that regard, LUNA acts as a counterweight in the network. Users can either burn LUNA to mint Terra or simple stake LUNA.
As of December 2021, LUNA is in the top 10 cryptocurrencies with a market cap of over $23 billion USD.
Why Exchange LUNA to PayPal?
PayPal is an online trade company that, through online transfers, facilitates payments between parties. Its system allows clients to set up an account on its platform that is linked to the user’s credit card or checking account. Upon confirmation of identification and proof of funds, through the website or application of the company, users can begin sending or receiving payments online to and from other PayPal accounts.
As mentioned above, in order to transfer money to others using the receiver’s email address or mobile phone number, PayPal account holders can use the website or mobile application of the company. Within only a matter of minutes, transactions go through and the company promises that transfers are immediately available for payment or withdrawal to a bank account.
The ease of use and the wide acceptance makes the exchange cryptocurrencies to PayPal one of the best options when you need some cash to spend online.
All that said, you also have the ability to exchange LUNA to Perfect Money USD, Payeer USD or Webmoney USD.
Why Exchange LUNA to PayPal on HiExchange?
Online exchange platforms can be a bit concerning at first. In order to find an exchange that offers all you need and does a good job at that, you must do lots of research.
Fortunately, HiExchange is one of the best options as a platform that offers everything you will need. Primarily, privacy, good exchange rates and reliability are the three factors to consider.
Cryptocurrencies are losing their anonymity as more and more exchanges ask for user data and give it to governments for tax purposes. In that regard, you will need a platform that respects your anonymity and does not require KYC. HiExchange will exchange your cryptocurrencies or digital currencies without the need to disclose your personal information.
Furthermore, anonymity is not a good reason to charge the customers with outrageous exchange fees. To ensure the rates remain competitive, the platform uses an automated system to determine the best possible fee for any moment. You can visit ranking websites such as Bestchange or OkChanger to see for yourself.
Lastly, by offering real 24/7 customer support, the platform assures the customer to have reliability and quality of service at all times.
How to Exchange LUNA to PayPal?
- As you enter the Homepage on HiExchange. Select LUNA on the left field and PayPal on the right one. Enter the exchange amount and wait for the rates to apply.
- Click on Exchange and you will be forwarded to the next step where you will need to enter your PayPal account details, email, and phone number.
- Click on “Exchange” one more time as you are directed to the next page to review your order.
- At this point, you will obtain your Tracking ID, an address and an explorer URL.
- On this step, please spend the time to review our terms and conditions and the instructions.
- Transfer your LUNA token to the HiExchange wallet address that is provided for you.
- Finally, click on the “I’ve paid” button.
Mission Passed!
By this point, our sales team will instantly process your order and make the payment to your account. In the meantime, you can spend some time reading some of our awesome articles on HiExchange Blog. And remember, you can Earn Money Online with HiExchange affiliate program.