With over 370 million users, having a PayPal account is pretty important for everyone looking to make a purchase. Now, we all know how it is also bombarded with regulations and restrictions. Despite the popularity, PayPal is not available in some countries which raises a big issue. Currently, we need a PayPal account for so many online services and products that are absolutely crucial to us. With the restrictions and sanctions, millions of people are left out in need of a reliable payment system. Fortunately, HiExchange has got the best solution for all these problems. Enter, the PayPal Invoice service. An awesome solution to make PayPal payments without a PayPal account. Here are some common questions about PayPal Invoice service:
Learn How to Make PayPal Payments in Russia
What Do I need to Make PayPal Payments Without PayPal Account?
Good news is, you do not need a PayPal account to make PayPal payments online. For the payment, you can pay with Perfect Money USD or Bitcoin. For that, you will need either a Perfect Money account or a crypto wallet.
As for HiExchange, it is not mandatory to sign up on the platform or go through KYC. So, all you need is to make the payment via PM USD or BTC.
No PayPal Account? No Problem!
Let’s say you want to buy something online like a gift card. You go to make the purchase and the only way you can pay for it is via PayPal. In the meantime, you don’t have a PayPal account.
At this point, you can head over to HiExchange, and select our PayPal Invoice service. Now, with this service, you share the purchase link with HiExchange team. Then, we go to that website and make the PayPal payment on your behalf. To stick to the example, we buy the gift card you wanted for you. Following that, we send you the gift card to your email.
Using this service, users will not be stuck when they have to buy something with PayPal.
What Can I Buy with PayPal Without a PayPal Account?
Almost everything! But, we recommend online services such as gift cards and accounts since you can immediately have your purchase via email. For example, if you buy a gift card, HiExchange will send you the username and password in an email. Or, let’s say you want to pay for an application and buy a premium account, with PayPal Invoice, you will have the username and password for the account.
What Information Should I Enter in PayPal Invoice?
Basically, you will need to enter everything required for the purchase. First and foremost, the link for the purchase is necessary. On top of that, you should share account information on the website you want to buy something. The information may include username and password for login on that website. So, keep in mind not to miss anything regarding the purchase on the website you have in mind. However, if you missed something or wanted to talk more about the purchase, contact our support team immediately via the Live Chat on the main page.
Does HiExchange Hold My Information?
No, HiExchange platform will not save neither use your information after the PayPal Invoice order. The data will be sent directly to your email address. Privacy and security are our utmost priority and we make sure to provide them for our customers.
Do I Need to Sign Up on HiExchange?
It is not mandatory to sign up on HiExchange. Furthermore, there is no KYC required. This is there to ensure anonymity and privacy for the user. The only thing you need is a verified email address and your wallet address. However, there are many benefits to Sign Up on HiEcxhange.
PayPal Invoice Fees
Fortunately, this service will not cost you any extra fees. The transaction fee for PayPal Invoice is as much as a normal PayPal transaction. In order to see how much you send and how much you receive, simply enter the amount in the exchange box and you will see the transaction fees immediately.