HiExchange is an online platform that appreciates anonymity and does not require KYC (know your customer) or even a sign up process. However, to have an even better exchange experience, you can sign up on HiExchange and take advantage of numerous benefits. By joining in, you get to enter into our exclusive customer’s club. Specifically, there are four good reasons to encourage you to sign up on HiExchange platform. Stay with us as we go over each one.
Exchange cryptocurrencies to PayPal instantly with the lowest fees on HiExchange.
Sign Up on HiExchange and Make Money!
Looking for passive income? You can work with us and earn money online easy and hassle free. Our affiliate program is an extensive partnership application where you help the platform grow and earn money along the way.
The process is simple and intuitive. First, you sign up on HiExchange and receive your affiliate URL. Then you share your link with friends and family and receive a certain percentage of their transaction amount. Keep in mind that the percentage will grow exponentially based on the transaction amount. The base percentage is 0.03% and it grows up to a certain degree based on the transaction volume.
And we hear you, affiliate programs can be tricky when you want to cash out. Generally, websites wouldn’t allow you to cash out until you reach a certain amount. Well, HiExchange lets users to cash out when they reach $10. So you will easily have the option to receive your funds without restrictions.
All it takes to take part in the affiliate program is to sign up on HiExchange. To learn everything about our affiliate program, continue reading Earn Money Online with HiExchange.
Deals and Special Offers!
Yes, HiExchange offers multiple deals and offers every month! And the only reason you wouldn’t know about it is that you are not signed up. Those who have an account on the platform get to know about our special offers first hand. In that regard, here is another way to save money on your exchanges simply by joining in.
We pride ourselves in making sure that our rates stay competitive and ambitious. That being said, our special offers and limited time deals are as good as it gets for an exchange platform. With that said, make sure to not miss the next special offer by signing up.
Monitor Your Transactions
Exclusively, registered users will have access to all their transactions history on the user panel. From there, you get to have a list of all your previous transactions and their specific details. Fortunately, in case you lose a track id, you would still be able to have access to the transaction information on your panel. In that regard, it is a lot easier to monitor your transactions and exchanges all in one place.
Sign Up on HiExchange for Better Support
Unfortunately, email is not a fully reliable method of contact. As an exchange platform, it will always help us to have additional information about our customers in case we need to contact them. By signing up on the website, you would get better support from our team. Furthermore, all support requests are also available on your user panel in case you need access to them.