How to Exchange BNB to USDT [Instantly]

Here’s the easiest way to exchange BNB to USDT instantly with full anonymity! Binance Coin (BNB) is one of the top crypto assets by market cap. For the most part, this popularity stem’s from Binance’s massive scale as an exchange platform. Now, while users can easily exchange BNB to USDT on Binance platform, they will […]
Mazars Group Throws Crypto Clients Under the Bus

Mazars Group, an international audit, tax and advisory firm has suspended all proof-of-reserve work for crypto clients. Consequently, this comes at a time when some of their biggest clients like Binance and are facing a massive threat. As to why, their reasoning is beyond condescending and as to why now, their timing is immaculately […]
How to Exchange AdvCash to Binance Coin

Looking to exchange AdvCash to Binance Coin? HiExchange is the best platform for the job. AdvCash has arguably been gaining lots of traction as a payment method. This doesn’t come as a surprise since it offers excellent diversity and very low fees. However, it is almost crucial to use a mediator in order to buy […]
Crypto Twitter, A Decentralized Reverie…

Upon hearing crypto Twitter, one shall be overwhelmed by the traumatic images of the meme wars. A safe haven for those with bold predictions of both bullish and bearish nature, fortune tellers perhaps. It used to be glamorous, back in the bullish days of our past, it used to be busy. And you can’t deny, […]
BNB Price Analysis; September 14, 2022

BNB price faced strong resistance at $340 and had to back down. By losing the $300 and $275, Binance Coin fell down to $260 on September 6 but found support. With that, it had a chance to recover and managed to surpass $275 and $285 to reach $300. At that point, it hit a downtrend […]
BNB Price Analysis; September 10, 2022

BNB price faced strong resistance at $340 on August 11 and had to back down. By losing the $300, $280 and $275 supports, Binance coin fell down to $260 on September 6. Finally, BNB found support at this level and managed to bounce back with a recovery attempt. With that, the price surpassed $275 and […]
BNB Price Analysis and Predictions; August 24, 2022

BNB price failed to surpass $340 on August 11 and had to back down. Subsequently, it lost the $315, $305 and $300 levels and fell down to $280 on August 20. At that point, the price found support on the uptrend and managed to bounce back. With that, Binance coin had a chance for recovery […]
BNB Price Analysis and Predictions; August 6, 2022

BNB price had support at $190 on June 19th and bounced back with an upwards channel. With that, the price continued on ranging between the top and bottom. On July 26, BNB found support at the bottom of the channel at $240. Subsequently, Binance Coin surpassed $255 resistance level and the SMA100. After that, it […]
BNB Price Analysis and Predictions; February 26, 2022

BNB price had a strong dip on February 20th and lost the $400 and $395 support levels then reached $350 on February 22nd. At that level, the price found support and climbed as high as $385 but once again failed to surpass and turned down. Following the strong plunge on February 23rd amid the Russian […]
BNB Price Analysis and Predictions; February 21, 2022

BNB price hit a barrier at $435 last week and had to back down. Following that, the price lost the $420, $410 and $400 support levels and settled on $375. Subsequently, BNB finally found support at that point and did not have further decline. Therefore, it started a recover process. Currently, BNB Price is around […]
Binance Exchange Buys into Forbes with $200 Millions

Got publicity? Binance exchange is now literally buying Forbes’s integrity with a $200 million deal. After all, it is quite necessary for a giant like Binance Exchange to maintain good publicity. And the obvious answer to that is to pay a few hundred million achieved from questionable ICOs to buy into a troubled media company. […]
How to Buy Binance Coin (BNB) with Perfect Money [2024 Update]

Looking to buy Binance Coin (BNB) with Perfect Money? As the demand for BNB continues to rise, it’s crucial to understand the most convenient and secure methods of acquiring this popular cryptocurrency. Perfect Money, a trusted online payment system, offers a seamless avenue for purchasing BNB. In this 2024 update, we provide a concise, step-by-step […]