What is Shitcoin


This article will define what is Shitcoin, how they came to be and some practical methods to detect them. Unfortunately, it is quite a considerable threat for the cryptocurrency market. However, a vast majority of shitcoins have the same behavior and can easily be identified. Shitcoin Definition Generally speaking, any cryptocurrency or digital currency must […]

Friday Special, Tales from the Chain; Chapter III: The Shitcoin Soldier

Shitcoin Soldier

The Journey from Pontiac Aztec to Lambo doesn’t have to be Long; Welcome, to the tale of the shitcoin soldier! Some people walk, other run, but only a few, only a select group of elite, they FLY! They avoid all the drama, all the wait and the agony of investing on cryptocurrencies that have already […]

Elon Musk says the US Should “Do Nothing” About Crypto

dogecoin pyramid scheme

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla said in a recent interview, the US government should not regulate cryptocurrencies. At the Code conference in Beverly Hills, California, Musk did answer questions regarding cryptocurrencies and the latest Chinese crackdowns. “It is not possible to, I think, destroy crypto, but it is possible for governments to slow down […]