How will Tron Prevent a USDD Stablecoin Collapse?

USDD stablecoin

Right now, the world needs yet another algorithmic stablecoin. You may not know it but Tron sees it necessary to push USDD stablecoin to the public as quickly as possible. And for that, they are cooking with pretty much the same recipe as Terra USD (UST). But, they say they have a solid plan to […]

Crypto Apocalypse, A Time of Broken Promises

Crypto Apocalypse

Efficient payment system, algorithmic, decentralized future governance token and smart protocols. These are big words, academic based terminology for technological developments ahead of their times. Big words, awesome ideas for the future promising us better times. All you need to build this future is to invest in it. I should use a keyword for this […]

Stablecoin Regulations Imminent Amid UST Crash

Stablecoin Regulations

Ideas sound great on paper, a stablecoin backed by Bitcoin is an awesome idea. And of course, the smart and educated team marketing the idea to the public are also pretty convincing. But, every now and then, one of these ideas fail. Every now and then, awful ideas with poor execution backed by top-notch marketing […]