Looking to exchange AdvCash to Binance Coin? HiExchange is the best platform for the job. AdvCash has arguably been gaining lots of traction as a payment method. This doesn’t come as a surprise since it offers excellent diversity and very low fees. However, it is almost crucial to use a mediator in order to buy and sell AdvCash. Finding a third party exchanger is always a big hassle because it is not easy to trust a new platform. Fortunately, HiExchange provides everything you need including no added fees, no KYC and of course competitive exchange rates. In this article, we will go over everything you need to exchange AdvCash to Binance Coin.
Learn How to Exchange AdvCash to PayPal
What Do I Need to Exchange AdvCash to Binance Coin?
For this transaction, you will need a verified and active AdvCash account. Make sure that the transaction amount does not exceed your withdrawal limit. Furthermore, you need a reliable crypto wallet to receive Binance Coin (BNB). As for HiExchange, all you need is an email-address since no KYC (know your customer) is necessary. However, bear in mind that there are many advantages available for those who sign up on HiExchange. Want a good reason why? How about winning $100 every month!
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What is AdvCash?
AdvCash is a currency used for online payments. It is based in Belize which provides immunity from national laws of other countries for it. As an offshore currency, it is also encrypted much like cryptocurrencies and benefits from better anonymity and security. The Advance Cash company provides an account for users that allows for a variety of currencies to operate through it. In many ways, it is a lot like Payeer.
And much like Payeer, AdvCash supports transfers in both fiat and cryptocurrency form. With a virtual wallet, users can transfer funds and make payments with very low commission. What makes it interesting, is that Advance Cash is also compatible with other payment systems such as WebMoney or Perfect Money. With free international transfers, users get to enjoy a wide variety of currencies all in a virtual wallet. Furthermore, there are both physical and virtual bank cards available for quick and cheap international Visa/Mastercard payments.
The company was founded in 2014 as a competitor for PayPal and much like its peers, it has gained notable success in the past few years. As the need for virtual banking grows, online payment processing companies continue to narrow the gap with PayPal. Although, such companies are not as popular as PayPal, they offer a lot more freedom.
Continue reading “What is AdvCash?”
Is Binance Coin (BNB) Worth the Investment?
Initially found in China, Binance began as an online cryptocurrency exchange with a strong emphasis on altcoin trading. It didn’t take long for Binance to be crowned as the number one exchange in the world. Amongst the numerous motivating factors and reasons for this profound success, the primary one were high liquidity, low transaction fees and additional discounts for users who made payments by its native coin, BNB. The massive platform has a staggering capacity to process approximately 1.4 million orders per second, offering trading for more than 500 cryptocurrencies and virtual tokens.
As for trading, Binance offers seven trade orders of Limit order, Market order, stop limit order, stop market order, Trailing stop order, Post only order and Limit TP/SL order. Despite the varying transaction fees for withdrawal based on the currency and its amount, there is no transaction fee for deposits.
Initially introduced as an ERC20 Ethereum based cryptocurrency in 2017, BNB has now moved on to Binance’s own blockchain named Binance chain. As the native coin for Binance exchange, BNB was primarily a utility token to motivate users for transaction fee discounts. However, the applications for Binance coin have now expanded dramatically since you can now use Binance Coin for financial services, entertainment, online services and many more.
With all this development happening in a short time period, the 26,500% overall price increase (correct as of January 2022) since being introduced in 2017 is well justified. As of June 4th 2021 BNB has a market cap of $58.54 billion dollars and is only ranked behind Bitcoin and Ethereum. You can continue reading “What is Binance Coin (BNB)?” to learn everything about it.
HiExchange FTW!
Every exchange platform must maintain three important characteristics. Anonymity, affordability and reliability. We pride ourselves as a professional platform that offers all three.
For anonymity, HiExchange requires no KYC or even a sign up process. The best way to protect your information is to not share them with anyone. And for that, we respect our customers and do not ask for their personal info.
As for affordability, HiExchange utilizes an automated system to determine the best exchange rates at any moment. By doing so, we have managed to stay on top of the ranks on websites such as Bestchange and OkChanger.
Lastly, reliability is ensured for our customers with 24/7 online support. In case anything goes wrong, you will have our immediate support until the issue is resolved.
How to Exchange AdvCash to Binance Coin
- Enter the homepage first, then select AdvCash USD and Binance Coin from the options in the first step. Enter the amount you want to exchange. Following that, the amount of BNB you will receive will automatically calculate.
- Press Exchange and you will go to the next stage where you will enter your AdvCash and BNB wallet details and email. The phone number is optional.
- One more time, click on the “Exchange” button and you will go to the next step where you will review your order.
- Complete the captcha and click on exchange to go to the next step where you will obtain a tracking ID. Press the “Pay Order” button to go to the AdvCash gateway and make the payment to our AdvCash account. Having transferred your AdvCash USD to HiExchange, your order will process very quickly.
- By finishing all the steps above, our team will send the Binance Coin to your wallet as soon as possible.
All Good!
Just like that, you have now exchanged AdvCash to Binance Coin. Give it a few minutes and the BNB will be in your account ASAP. In the meantime, you can follow up on your order using the Track ID provided for you. Simply enter the track id in the required section on homepage to see at which point your order is. Remember not to share your Track ID with anyone else.