If you are looking to buy Dogecoin with Payeer, look no further than HiExchange! With the best exchange rates in the game, full anonymity and 24/7 support, HiExchange is the best platform to buy DOGE. Interestingly, Dogecoin is a different breed of crypto. In a volatile and unpredictable market, DOGE stands out as the one who does not follow the herd. Funny enough, DOGE has been defying all expectations with surprise bull runs and of course a cult following. Today, we will go over everything to know on how to buy Dogecoin with Payeer USD on HiExchange platform.
Learn How to Buy Cryptocurrency with Payeer
What Do I Need to Buy Dogecoin with Payeer?
Basically, you will need a verified and active Payeer account to send the funds. On the other hand, you will have to have a reliable crypto wallet that supports Dogecoin. Make sure to double check on your wallet address since crypto transactions are irreversible. As for HiExchange, all you need is an email-address since no KYC (know your customer) is necessary. However, bear in mind that there are many advantages available for those who sign up on HiExchange. Want a good reason why? How about winning $100 ever month!
What is Dogecoin (DOGE)?
Dogecoin started off as somewhat of a joke, but it developed a following after it was created. By the end of 2017, Dogecoin was a part of the cryptocurrency bubble that sent up the prices of several coins dramatically. Dogecoin lost much of its value after the bubble burst in 2018, but it still has a core of supporters who trade it and use it to tip Twitter and Reddit content.
Dogecoin (DOGE) is an open-source, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency. It is called an altcoin and as mentioned, many believe it is an almost sarcastic meme coin. Although it was seemingly developed as a joke, the blockchain of Dogecoin still has value. It derives its underlying technology from Litecoin. The low price and infinite supply of Dogecoin are noteworthy features of this cryptocurrency, which uses a scrypt algorithm.
You can read more about What is Dogecoin at our article fully dedicated to this Cryptocurrency in case you need to do your research about this coin.
Why Buy Dogecoin with Payeer?
First and foremost, Payeer is considered an online digital wallet for better asset management. Be it crypto of fiat, the payment processor is quick, reliable and cheap. In that regard, in a short lifespan of almost 8 years, Payeer is now recognized as one of the very best amongst competitors. Payeer utilizes built-in payment services with giant financial services such as Mastercard, VISA and PayPal.
As of 2021, the Payeer has approximately 7 million users which can transfer funds to each other with extremely low fees. The strength however, lies in diversity. Payeer is far ahead of any similar platform in terms of scale of operation and diversity in supported payment methods. With more than 50 payment approaches, the Payeer wallet offers users various services in one place.
To learn more about Payeer, continue reading “What is Payeer?”
HiExchange to the Moon!
To exchange any cryptocurrency, you will need to find a good platform first. However, despite the diversity, it is quite a difficult task to find a good online exchange. The problem begins by compromising on your standards. You will want good exchange rates, privacy and reliability altogether. And that is hard to find!
Harsh regulations are pushing exchanges to disclose customer data to governments. This goes against the initial purpose of crypto which is absolute anonymity. Even worse, user data is a commodity, large institutions buy your information at a certain price. The best way to make sure your data is safe, is to not share them at all.
However, it is a luxury to offer no KYC, hence many exchanges charge customers with ridiculous exchange rates to compensate for the anonymity.
HiExchange on the other hand gives you everything all at once. Want privacy? We have no KYC. Want the best exchange rates? Well, simply visit Bestchange or OkChanger and see for yourself how we are always on top of their lists.
And to make sure everything goes right, we offer 24/7 customer support.
How to Buy Dogecoin with Payeer USD?
- Select Payeer USD on the “I Give” field on the left and Dogecoin (DOGE) on the “I Get” field on the right.
- Enter the desired amount for the exchange and wait for the site to calculate the amazing exchange rates!
- Click “Exchange”
- Enter your Ripple Wallet address and E-mail address
- Click “Exchange”
- Read the Information
- Complete the CAPTCHA
- Click “Exchange”
- At this point, please check the transaction information and terms and conditions carefully.
- You will be able to see the track id and HiExchange Payeer account
- Open your Payeer account, click on the account menu and copy the account number that begins by the letter “p” and paste it in the required field.
- Go back to your Payeer account and send the exchange amount to HiExchange Payeer account.
- Once you have sent the exchange amount, go to the history menu on your Payeer account and copy the operation id for the payment. Then paste the operation id in the required field.
- Kindly agree to the terms and conditions and click on “Pay Order.
All Good!
When you finish the steps above, our team will process your order and send the Dogecoin (DOGE) to your wallet address. The transaction may take a few minutes. In the meantime, you will have a track id to follow up on your order. Simply enter the main page and type in your track id in the specified field to see your live order status. Keep in mind that your track id is private information and you should not share it with anyone else.