You will need a great exchanger to buy Polkadot with Payeer and HiExchange is all you need. Thankfully, there are many reasons to invest in Polkadot (DOT) as it is one of the best long-term investments in the crypto sector. The internet of blockchains is connected to multiple different blockchains using various technologies. In that regard, Polkadot has always been the top of the spear when it comes to innovation. But, considering the intensity of the energy crisis we are facing today, Polkadot has a competitive edge that others don’t have. As of September 2022, Polkadot (DOT) is the most energy efficient blockchain In the world. With that, the network will surely stand the test of upcoming regulations concerned with energy consumption. Fortunately, you can buy Polkadot with Payeer on HiExchange with no added fees in only a matter of minutes.
Exchange Polkadot to PayPal [No KYC]
What Do I Need to Buy Polkadot with Payeer?
For this direction, you will need to send Payeer USD and Receive DOT on your wallet. Therefore, you need a verified and active Payeer account with sufficient funds. Make sure that the exchange amount does not exceed your withdrawal limit. To receive DOT, you will need a reliable crypto wallet that supports Polkadot (DOT). As for HiExchange, all you need is an email-address since no KYC (know your customer) is necessary. However, bear in mind that there are many advantages available for those who sign up on HiExchange. Want a good reason why? How about winning $100 ever month!
Learn more about our Tether Giveaway.
What is Polkadot?
And here we have yet another third generation blockchain network found by a previous Ethereum member. Initially, Gavin James Wood had a different vision in mind about the (PoS) algorithm. The final goal is to create an infrastructure to create a network of blockchains that are effortlessly communicating with each other.
The multiple blockchain approach provides a better cross-chain interoperability and easier communication. Gavin believes that a single blockchain network can never be complete and a multi-chain architecture will be much more efficient.
The DOT is the token for this multi-chain network. It is currently number 9 by market cap. With the first ICO in 2017, it managed to raise $145 million. Despite being relatively new, it has experienced a huge growth in popularity. DOT has had one of the most successful initial coin offerings in history, raising over 200 million in two ICOs, first one in 2017 and the other in 2020.
To learn everything about the network, continue reading “What is Polkadot“
Why Use Payeer?
First and foremost, Payeer is considered an online digital wallet for better asset management. Be it crypto of fiat, the payment processor is quick, reliable and cheap. In that regard, in a short lifespan of almost 8 years, Payeer is now recognized as one of the very best amongst
competitors. Payeer utilizes built-in payment services with giant financial services such as Mastercard, VISA and PayPal.
As of 2022, the Payeer has approximately 7 million users which can transfer funds to each other with extremely low fees. The strength however, lies in diversity. Payeer is far ahead of any similar platform in terms of scale of operation and diversity in supported payment methods. With more than 50 payment approaches, the Payeer wallet offers users various services in one place.
To learn more about Payeer, continue reading “What is Payeer?”
HiExchange Platform
HiExchange is an online exchange platform that offers three critical factors for customers. Privacy, Efficiency and Reliability are not an easy combination to find on the internet.
For privacy, the ultimate way to protect your personal information is to not disclose them at all. Unfortunately, a vast majority exchanges are now legally obliged to hand over user data to governments for tax purposes. HiExchange does not require customers to go through KYC or a sign up process as a sign of respect for anonymity.
Efficiency for an exchange platform calls for competitive exchange rates and quick processing time for orders. To maximize results and minimize efforts, the platform utilizes an automated consensus algorithm to determine the best exchange rates.
Lastly, for reliability and customer satisfaction, HiExchange offers 24/7 customer support.
How to Buy Polkadot with Payeer?
- Enter the homepage first, then select Payeer USD and Polkadot (DOT) from the options in the first step. Enter the amount you want to exchange. Following that, the amount of DOT you will receive will automatically calculate.
- Press Exchange and you will go to the next stage where you will enter your Polkadot wallet details, email, and phone number.
- One more time, click on the “Exchange” button and you will go to the next step where you will review your order.
- Complete the captcha and click on exchange to go to the next step where you will obtain a tracking ID. Press the “Pay Order” button to go to the Payeer gateway and make the payment to our Payeer account. Having transferred your Payeer USD to HiExchange, your order will process very quickly.
When you finish the steps above, our team will process your order and send the Polkadot to your wallet address. The transaction may take a few minutes. In the meantime, you will have a track id to follow up on your order. Simply enter the main page and type in your track id in the specified field to see your live order status. Keep in mind that your track id is private information and you should not share it with anyone else.