If you already have a Skrill account, you can buy Tether with Skrill on HiExchange platform. HiExchange provides full anonymity for all customers and does not require KYC (know your customer) or sign up. Skrill is quickly becoming one of the most popular payment platforms in the world and that is for good reason. For the most part, Skrill offers very low transaction fees and sometimes zero fees. On top of that, it has also managed to maintain a positive reputation when it comes to security. Fortunately, HiExchange provides services for Skrill users. In today’s article, we will go over everything you need to buy Tether with Skrill.
Learn How to Exchange Skrill to PayPal on HiExchange
What Do I Need to Buy Tether with Skrill?
For this exchange, you will need an active and verified Skrill account with sufficient funds. Furthermore, you will need a crypto wallet for the Tether USDT. As for HiExchange platform, all you need to provide is your correct crypto wallet address and an e-mail address. Bear in mind that it is not mandatory to sign up on HiExchange but there are benefits for those who sign up on HiExchange.
What is Skrill?
Skrill is a payment system based in London. It started out back in 2001 with focus on money transfers. However, soon the payment system expanded services into e-commerce and online purchases.
However, what Skrill offers as a payment system is a safe and cheap way of transferring funds. The anti-fraud system is in fact a successful way to provide security for the users. This is for the most part to prevent data theft and stay on top of all suspicious activity. Currently, Skrill is active is the United States which maintains some of the highest security standards for payment systems.
As for convenience, there are two key factors in favor of Skrill. First, users can link their bank account to the payment system and take advantage of easy payments. Second, having an e-wallet ensures that transactions are quick, cheap and smooth. All transactions within the e-wallet have very low fees and are done instantly.
You can also exchange Skrill to PayPal with the lowest fees on HiExchange.
Why Buy Tether with Skrill?
Tether USDT is currently the most popular stablecoin in the world. The value of USDT is pegged to the US dollar which means that it will always be worth $1. What it does is a cryptocurrency with a stable value to store investor’s funds. In that case, the investors can hold their capital in form of Tether USDT without worrying about the volatility.
However, volatility is not the only reason to buy Tether USDT. It is very quick and cheap to buy cryptocurrencies with Tether USDT. The transaction fees are next to nothing and it basically takes a few seconds to buy crypto with Tether. In general, Tether USDT has lots of utility whether you’re a crypto trader, Forex trader or a long-term holder.
Furthermore, numerous merchants have started accepting Tether payments in the past few years. Whether in online stores or physical shops, you can use Tether USDT payments. In that regard, having Tether in your crypto wallet is basically as good as cash in 2022.
HiExchange to the Moon!
Every exchange platform must maintain three important characteristics. Anonymity, affordability and reliability. We pride ourselves as a professional platform that offers all three.
For anonymity, HiExchange requires no KYC or even a sign up process. The best way to protect your information is to not share them with anyone. And for that, we respect our customers and do not ask for their personal info.
As for affordability, HiExchange utilizes an automated system to determine the best exchange rates at any moment. By doing so, we have managed to stay on top of the ranks on websites such as Bestchange and OkChanger.
Lastly, reliability is ensured for our customers with 24/7 online support. In case anything goes wrong, you will have our immediate support until the issue is resolved.
How to Buy Tether with Skrill?
- Enter the Homepage on HiExchange. Select Skrill USD on the left field and Tether USDT on the right one. Enter the exchange amount and wait for the rates to apply.
- Click on Exchange and you will be forwarded to the next step where you will need to enter your Tether TRC20 wallet address and email. Phone number is optional.
- Click on “Exchange” one more time as you go to the next page to review your order.
- At this point, you will obtain your Tracking ID, an address and an explorer URL.
- On this step, please spend the time to review our terms and conditions and the instructions.
- Transfer your Skrill USD to the HiExchange Skrill address that is provided for you.
- Finally, click on the “I’ve paid” button.
All Good!
When you finish the steps above, our team will process your order and send the Tether USDT to your wallet address. The transaction may take a few minutes. In the meantime, you will have a track id to follow up on your order. Simply enter the main page and type in your track id in the specified field to see your live order status. Keep in mind that your track id is private information and you should not share it with anyone else.