As of December 2021, you can exchange Algorand (ALGO) to PayPal on HiExchange with the lowest fees. ALGO is the latest cryptocurrency added to the supported list on the website. Algorand is a highly scalable blockchain platform that supports smart contracts. In 2021, ALGO found massive success thanks to high demand. In this article, we will go through everything you need to exchange Algorand (ALGO) to PayPal with cull anonymity.
Head over to HiExchange to start the exchange process.
What is Algorand (ALGO)?
Officially launched in 2019, Algorand is a proof of stake blockchain network with great emphasis on scalability and speed. As on open-source and decentralized network, Algorand is not a new idea to begin with. However, where it proves to be different is the unique design that allows for faster consensus. With a two-tiered structure, this payment-focused network achieves amazing scalability.
Currently, Algorand network can process over 1000 transactions per second while transaction finality takes less than five seconds. At this point you might say that there are faster networks out there. Well, yes but actually no!
We’ve previously talked about the blockchain trilemma on this blog. Essentially, it is difficult and rare for a blockchain to offer security, speed and decentralization. For example, Solana network is one of the fastest ones out there but it is not that decentralized. In that regard, Algorand is maintaining all positive aspects of an ideal blockchain at once.
ALGO is the native token of the network and is currently ranked 23rd with a market cap of over $8.5 billion.
Why Exchange Algorand (ALGO) to PayPal?
PayPal is an online trade company that, through online transfers, facilitates payments between parties. Its system allows clients to set up an account on its platform that is linked to the user’s credit card or checking account. Upon confirmation of identification and proof of funds, through the website or application of the company, users can begin sending or receiving payments online to and from other PayPal accounts.
As mentioned above, in order to transfer money to others using the receiver’s email address or mobile phone number, PayPal account holders can use the website or mobile application of the company. Within only a matter of minutes, transactions go through and the company promises that transfers are immediately available for payment or withdrawal to a bank account.
The ease of use and the wide acceptance makes the exchange cryptocurrencies to PayPal one of the best options when you need some cash to spend online.
All that said, you also have the ability to exchange ALGO to Perfect Money USD, Payeer USD or Webmoney USD.
Why HiExchange?
HiExchange is an online exchange that offers everything you need from a platform.
Truthfully, it is a rare combination for an online exchange to offer anonymity, lowest exchange rates and unparalleled reliability altogether.
We respect our customer’s privacy by not asking for their personal information. The best way for anyone to protect their information is to not disclose them at all. In that regard, not having KYC or sign up is the best method.
Furthermore, the platform utilizes an automated system to determine the best exchange rates at all times. Our words sound too good? Just pay a visit to ranking websites such as BestChange and OkChanger and see for yourself.
Lastly, according to Murphy’s law “anything that can go wrong will go wrong”. To stay ahead of any problems, we offer 24/7 customer support.
How to Exchange ALGO to PayPal?
- Enter the Homepage on HiExchange. Select ALGO on the left field and PayPal on the right one. Enter the exchange amount and wait for the rates to apply.
- Click on Exchange and you will be forwarded to the next step where you will need to enter your PayPal account details, email, and phone number.
- Click on “Exchange” one more time as you go to the next page to review your order.
- At this point, you will obtain your Tracking ID, an address and an explorer URL.
- On this step, please dedicate some time to review our terms and conditions and the instructions.
- Transfer your ALGO to the HiExchange wallet address that is provided for you.
- Finally, click on the “I’ve paid” button.
You’re All Set!
At this point, our team will process the order and make the payment to your account. PayPal payments might take some time. We suggest you read some of the articles on HiExchange Blog as you wait for the transaction. Bear in mind, that you can earn money online working with HiExchange!