If you’re looking to exchange Ethereum to Payeer USD, HiExchange is all you need. Payeer has been growing more popular as a top performing payment system. With that, the use case for Payeer USD is now broader that ever. Luckily, you don’t have to exchange ETH to other currencies before investing it into Payeer USD. And of course, this does not come as a luxury since HiExchange does not charge any additional fees. On top of that, you will get full anonymity thanks to our hassle-free KYC.
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What Do I Need to Exchange Ethereum to Payeer?
For this transaction, you will need a verified and active Payeer account. Make sure that the deposit limit does not exceed your transaction amount. As for HiExchange, all you need is an email-address since no KYC (know your customer) is necessary. However, bear in mind that there are many advantages available for those who sign up on HiExchange. Want a good reason why? How about winning $100 ever month!
Learn more about our Tether Giveaway.
What is Ethereum?
There are more than a few reasons why ETH is a great investment. To begin with, how about a 1000% growth in 2021? The Ethereum network has been on the forefront of blockchain innovation longer than any other network. As of 2021, almost all revolutionary innovations were introduced on the Ethereum network. Smart contracts, DApps, NFTs are only the tip of the iceberg.
Taking a look at the state of Bitcoin, due to the massive market cap, it will take a lot more money for BTC to grow 100%. With Ethereum however, it will take notably lower investment for the same increase in value. This is one reason why JP Morgan called ETH a better investment for 2022.
In terms of utility, ETH is developing fast. With the rise of metaverse and web 3.0 we will most definitely see increased demand for ETH.
All in all, ETH is as good as investment as Bitcoin if not better.
Why Use Payeer?
First and foremost, Payeer is considered an online digital wallet for better asset management. Be it crypto of fiat, the payment processor is quick, reliable and cheap. In that regard, in a short lifespan of almost 8 years, Payeer is now recognized as one of the very best amongst competitors. Payeer utilizes built-in payment services with giant financial services such as Mastercard, VISA and PayPal.
As of 2021, the Payeer has approximately 7 million users which can transfer funds to each other with extremely low fees. The strength however, lies in diversity. Payeer is far ahead of any similar platform in terms of scale of operation and diversity in supported payment methods. With more than 50 payment approaches, the Payeer wallet offers users various services in one place.
To learn more about Payeer, continue reading “What is Payeer?”
HiExchange FTW!
HiExchange is an online exchange that offers everything you need from a platform.
Truthfully, it is a rare combination for an online exchange to offer anonymity, lowest exchange rates and unparalleled reliability altogether.
We respect our customer’s privacy by not asking for their personal information. The best way for anyone to protect their information is to not disclose them at all. In that regard, not having KYC or sign up is the best method.
Furthermore, the platform utilizes an automated system to determine the best exchange rates at all times. Our words sound too good? Just pay a visit to ranking websites such as BestChange and OkChanger and see for yourself.
Lastly, according to Murphy’s law “anything that can go wrong will go wrong”. To stay ahead of any problems, we offer 24/7 customer support.
How to Exchange Ethereum to Payeer?
- Enter the homepage first, then select Ethereum (ETH) and Payeer USD from the options in the first step. Enter the amount you want to exchange. Following that, the amount of Payeer USD you will receive will automatically calculate.
- Press Exchange and you will go to the next stage where you will enter your Payeer wallet details and email. The phone number is optional.
- One more time, click on the “Exchange” button and you will go to the next step where you will review your order.
- Complete the captcha and click on exchange to go to the next step where you will obtain a tracking ID. Press the “Pay Order” once you have sent (ETH) to HiExchange’s wallet address. Having transferred your Ethereum to HiExchange, your order will process very quickly.
- By finishing all the steps above, our team will send the Payeer to your wallet as soon as possible
Just like that, you have now exchanged Ethereum (ETH) to Payeer USD. In general, Payeer payments are inconsistent in terms of how long they might take. Give it a few minutes and the Payeer USD will be in your account ASAP. In the meantime, you can follow up on your order using the Track ID provided for you. Simply enter the track id in the required section on homepage to see at which point your order is. Remember not to share your Track ID with anyone else.