As of October 2022, Ethereum is one of the hottest cryptocurrencies. If you are looking for a platform to exchange Ethereum to Perfect Money and not compromise on anything, you are in luck.
HiExchange platform is the best place to exchange cryptocurrencies with multiple advantages which we will go over later in this article. In the meantime, Perfect Money users may not find it easy to find platforms who support them.
Thankfully, HiExchange is an official Perfect Money partner that is also verified. In this article, we will go over everything you need to know to exchange Ethereum to PM.
What Do I Need to Exchange Ethereum to Perfect Money?
For this transaction, you will need a crypto wallet to send ETH. In order to receive Perfect Money USD, you need to have a verified and active PM account.
As for HiExchange, all you need is an email-address since no KYC (know your customer) is necessary. However, bear in mind that there are many advantages available for those who sign up on HiExchange.
Should I Exchange Ethereum to PM?
Perfect Money is simply a digital currency that can be used as a payment system for non-cash payments. A vast majority of the transaction are payments on the internet for online services. In terms of what you can do with Perfect Money, the sky is the limit.
You can use PM to:
- Transference of money between users
- Accepting payments on your website
- Payment for goods and services on the Internet
- Purchases of Bitcoins, gold, US dollars, and Euros
- Loan and receipt issuance throughout the system
- Earn additional revenue by participating in a partnership plan
The biggest downside of Perfect Money, however, is that you cannot cash Perfect money to your bank account on its website directly. For that, you will need a platform like HiExchange to exchange your Perfect Money to PayPal and other e-currencies.
How to Exchange Ethereum to Perfect Money?
- Step 1: Enter the homepage first, then select Ethereum and Perfect Money from the currency pairs in the first step. enter the amount you want to exchange, after that the amount of PM USD you will receive will automatically calculate.

- Step 2: Press Next and you will go to the next stage where you will enter your Perfect Money wallet details, email, and phone number (Optional).

- Step 3: One more time, click on the “Next” button and you will go to the next step where you will review your order.

- Step 4: Pass the captcha test and click on exchange to go to the next step where you will obtain a tracking ID. Press the “Pay Order” button to go to the PM gateway and pay online. After you have transferred your ETH to HiExchange, your order will process very quickly.

- Step 5: By finishing all the steps above, our team of professionals will send the PM USD to your wallet ASAP.

When you finish the steps above, our team will process your order and send the Perfect Money USD to your wallet address. The transaction may take a few minutes.
In the meantime, you will have a track id to follow up on your order. Simply enter the main page and type in your track id in the specified field to see your live order status. Keep in mind that your track id is private information and you should not share it with anyone else.
HiExchange Platform
To exchange any cryptocurrency, you will need to find a good platform first. However, despite the diversity, it is quite a difficult task to find a good online exchange. The problem begins by compromising on your standards. You will want good exchange rates, privacy and reliability altogether. And that is hard to find!
Harsh regulations are pushing exchanges to disclose customer data to governments. This goes against the initial purpose of crypto which is absolute anonymity. Even worse, user data is a commodity, large institutions buy your information at a certain price. The best way to make sure your data is safe, is to not share them at all.
However, it is a luxury to offer no KYC, hence many exchanges charge customers with ridiculous exchange rates to compensate for the anonymity.
HiExchange on the other hand gives you everything all at once. Want privacy? We have no KYC. Want the best exchange rates? Well, simply visit Bestchange or OkChanger and see for yourself how we are always on top of their lists.
And to make sure everything goes right, we offer 24/7 customer support