From now on, you get to exchange money and win money thanks to HiExchange monthly giveaway. The rules are super simple, make an order on HiExchange, leave us a review and sign up to win $100. Every month, TWO lucky winners will take home their prize. With that, you help other HiExchange customers by leaving us a review and try your chance to earn money along the way. Without further ado, here’s everything to know about the HiExchange Monthly Giveaway:
Head Over to the Official HiExchange Tether Giveaway Page
HiExchange Monthly Giveaway in 4 Easy Steps!
Fortunately, it is super easy to participate in the campaign. In order to join, users should complete four steps.
Firstly, the participant should make a transaction on HiExchange. There is no limit or specific requirement for this stage. Pick any direction you want, at any amount you need and you’re good to go.
Secondly, the user must leave HiExchange a review on BestChange. You can find the link for BestChange on the Official Campaign page. And, don’t forget to mention your order number in the comment.
For the third step, participants need to join HiExchange’s Telegram Channel. Once again, you can find the link to the official Telegram channel on the official Tether giveaway page.
Having finished the steps above, all that’s left to join is to register your Telegram id and Email address. For that, type in the id and email address in the dedicated box available on the campaign page.
Win, But Not Just Once!
With this campaign, our customers will have a chance to participate in the HiExchange monthly giveaway every month. Even if you win once, you will get a chance to participate the next month. So basically, you’re always one transaction away to receive a $100 gift.
To clarify, you do not need to make another review in order to participate for the second time. By leaving us a feedback once, you will be eligible to participate every month.
Keep in mind, every user will get only one chance each month. Subsequently, leaving multiple feedbacks will not affect the chance to win.
Monthly Giveaway Gives You Infinite Chances
This campaign is designed to optimize user experience by providing better feedback for new customers. Thankfully, the open-ended giveaway can better encourage our veteran users to participate.
As for the winner, the lucky person will receive an email from HiExchange with further details on how to get their prize. So, make sure to check your inbox the first week of each month when we pick the winners.
HiExchange is a decentralized online platform to exchange your cryptocurrencies and e-currencies. We utilize an automated system to determine the best exchange rates at any moment. Furthermore, HiExchange does not require KYC or a sign-up process. Also, the platform offers 24/7 customer support.
To learn how to exchange your cryptocurrencies to PayPal you can read our instructional article.
For more instructional content, you can always visit HiExchange Blog