If you live in Russia or any other country in the world that does not currently have access to PayPal services, HiExchange provides a perfect solution. Luckily, you can pay for goods and services on HiExchange without needing a PayPal account. Simply, you can make PayPal payments in Russia using our PayPal Invoice service. This service is easy, quick and carries no extra fees or commissions. Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about PayPal payments anymore.
Head over to HiExchange to make PayPal payments in Russia.
PayPal in Russia
Unfortunately, PayPal and other international payment methods have suspended all services in Russia. In the meantime, there are millions of people who are still in need of these services. Basically, numerous online goods and services require PayPal Payments and the suspended service can be harmful for the customers. In that regard, HiExchange has provided you with the PayPal invoice service.
With this solution, you can instantly make PayPal payments in Russia without needing an account. But that’s not all! The good news is that your anonymity will also be intact. HiExchange will not require KYC (Know Your Customer) or even Sing Up. So basically, just enter the platform and make the payment without disclosing your personal information.
What Do I Need to Make PayPal Payments in Russia?
In order to make PayPal payments in Russia, you can use a crypto wallet and pay with Tether or Bitcoin, or a Perfect Money account. We will keep you updated upon adding other options for the payment. Make sure to visit HiExchange Blog regularly to stay up to date. But as a quick hint, there will be a lot more similar services available on HiExchange very soon.
Do I Have to Pay Commission?
No, there will be no extra commission or hidden exchange fees to make PayPal payments in Russia or any other country in the world. The commission rate is the same as making a standard PayPal exchange on the platform which is already pretty low. Please bear in mind, making payments via Bitcoin will have a higher transaction fee due to Bitcoin network fees.
How Do I Make PayPal Payments in Russia?
In short, since you don’t have access to a PayPal account, you send your assets to HiExchange and the platform will make the payment from its own PayPal account. Currently, we support Bitcoin, Tether TRC20 or Perfect Money USD. Following that, HiExchange will receive your funds and make the PayPal payment on your behalf.
The process is very simple!
- Enter the HiExchange Platform. Then, select either Perfect Money, Bitcoin or Tether TRC20 in the “I Give” section. After that, select PayPal USD (Invoice) from the “I Get” Section.
- Type the Sending Amount for the payment. Then, wait until the rates automatically apply and see how much PayPal USD you will have for the payment. By the way, our exchange rates are awesome!
- Click on Exchange and your will go to the second step. Add your invoice link (URL address) in the dedicated section. For example, if you’re buying a service online, add the link to the product page. Type your email address and the phone number section is optional. However, remember that there are many benefits for customers who sign up.
- Review the exchange information carefully. Prove that you’re not a robot (nothing personal J) and click on “Exchange”
- On the forth step, you receive your Track ID. You can see the order status. Click on “Pay Order”. If you make the payment via Perfect Money, you will be directed to the Perfect Money gateway. If you’re sending BTC or Tether, you will receive HiExchange’s wallet address. At that point, make the payment and attach a screenshot of the payment in the dedicated section.
- Kindly, agree to our terms and conditions and click on “Pay Order”.
That’s It!
At this point, our team will process your order and make the PayPal payment. The process might take a short while. If you have any questions or issues, you can contact our online support team via the live chat section on the website. Our services expand by the hour! Make sure to visit HiExchange Blog for the latest announcements.