If you’re looking to exchange Bitcoin to Webmoney, HiExchange is all you need. Fundamentally, BTC has been the centerpiece of all crypto market and will likely remain as the crowned king. With that, many investors will look to exchange BTC to various e-currencies. However, it is not that easy to find some exchange pairs online. Even still, you may find a platform that offers your pair but they seldom charge additional fees on the transaction. Luckily, HiExchange offers a wide variety of exchange pairs all while charging no fees. On top of that, you get to enjoy full anonymity and 24/7 online support. In this article, we will go over how to exchange Bitcoin to Webmoney on HiExchange.
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What Do I Need to Exchange Bitcoin to Webmoney?
For this transaction, you will need a verified and active Webmoney account. Make sure that the exchange amount does not exceed your deposit limit for WMZ. As for HiExchange, all you need is an email-address since no KYC (know your customer) is necessary. However, bear in mind that there are many advantages available for those who sign up on HiExchange. Want a good reason why? How about winning $100 ever month!
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What is Bitcoin?
This might still be a question to many, before reading about how to exchange, one must know where Bitcoins come from. Bitcoin is a digital currency that was developed following the housing market crash in January 2009. This cryptocurrency follows the ideas started out by the pseudonymous and mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto in a whitepaper. The identity of the individual or individuals that developed the software is still a mystery. Unlike government-issued currencies, Bitcoin is operated by a decentralized authority and offers the promise of lower transaction fees than traditional online payment mechanisms.
There are no physical Bitcoins and the coins you see are novelty coins that do not have any real value without the code inscribed on them. Bitcoin is only balances retained on a public ledger that everyone has transparent access to, and is verified by a massive amount of computing power along with all Bitcoin transactions. Bitcoins are not issued or supported as a commodity by any banks or governments, nor are individual bitcoins valuable. Although it is not legal tender, the popularity of Bitcoin charts is high, and hundreds of other virtual currencies collectively referred to as Altcoins have been launched following this cryptocurrency.
Why Webmoney?
WebMoney is an online payment system and a comprehensive tool for online business operations. It was originally developed as a money transfer system for US dollars in Russia in 1998 and since then, nearly 40 million people from all over the globe have joined the program.
WebMoney provides digital currency purses that can hold popular national currencies. The payment platform provides a P2P credit purse, global payment solutions, retail services, local payment products, online billing, and direct integration with other global financial service providers. On top of that, a number of countries worldwide are currently working on WebMoney and consumers pay WebMoney for the services of different companies from Spain, Poland, and Belgium.
Continue reading “What is Webmoney”.
HiExchange for the Win!
Every exchange platform must maintain three important characteristics. Anonymity, affordability and reliability. We pride ourselves as a professional platform that offers all three.
For anonymity, HiExchange requires no KYC or even a sign up process. The best way to protect your information is to not share them with anyone. And for that, we respect our customers and do not ask for their personal info.
As for affordability, HiExchange utilizes an automated system to determine the best exchange rates at any moment. By doing so, we have managed to stay on top of the ranks on websites such as Bestchange and OkChanger.
Lastly, reliability is ensured for our customers with 24/7 online support. In case anything goes wrong, you will have our immediate support until the issue is resolved.
How to Exchange Bitcoin to Webmoney (WMZ)?
- Enter the homepage first, then select Bitcoin on the left field and Webmoney WMZ on the right. Enter the amount you want to exchange and wait for the exchange rate to apply.
- Press Exchange and you will go to the next stage where you will enter your Webmoney address details and email address.
- One more time, click on the “Exchange” button and you will go to the next step where you will review your order.
- Complete the captcha and click on “exchange” to go to the next step where you will obtain a tracking ID. At this point, you will have the HiExchange wallet address to send the Bitcoin to. After you have transferred your BTC, click on Pay Order button. Don’t forget to attach the screenshot for the BTC payment. your order will process swiftly.
- By finishing all the steps above, our team of professionals will send the Webmoney to your wallet ASAP.
All Good!
Just like that, you have now exchanged Bitcoin to Webmoney. In general, Webmoney payments don’t take very long to process. Give it a few minutes and the WMZ will be in your wallet quickly. In the meantime, you can follow up on your order using the Track ID provided for you. Simply enter the track id in the required section on homepage to see at which point your order is. Remember not to share your Track ID with anyone else.