How to Buy Bitcoin with Dai [Instantly]

If you are looking to buy Bitcoin with Dai, HiExchange is the ultimate platform for the job. Bitcoin has finally managed to bounce back and move above the critical resistance level at $25k. Subsequently, investors are once again eager to invest in the top crypto asset by market cap. On top of that, the mass […]
How to Exchange Ethereum to DAI [No Fees]

If you’re looking to exchange Ethereum to DAI, HiExchange is all you need! Volatile assets such as ETH and BTC will definitely have some risks associated with them. However, investors can easily convert them into stablecoins to stop the loss at a certain period of time. Thankfully, exchanging crypto assets into one another does not […]
Djed Stablecoin Goes Live on Cardano Mainnet

Certainly, it is a brave move for Cardano to issue Djed stablecoin right now. For those who do not now, Djed is an algorithmic stablecoin not backed by US dollar. And as far as that idea goes, many of those who came before, are now embarrassingly dead in the dumps! In fact, a big reason […]
How to Exchange USD Coin to Tether [No Fees]

In case you’re diversifying assets, you can exchange USD Coin to Tether on HiExchange in only a few minutes. Stablecoins are a critical category of crypto assets, but there’s still lots of debate on which ones are more reliable. Regardless of all debates, diversification of assets is pretty much the safest solutions. With that, HiExchange […]
How to Exchange DAI to PayPal [lowest commission]

if you’re Looking to cash out your stablecoins, you can exchange DAI to PayPal on HiExchange with the lowest exchange fees. DAI is the latest stablecoin added to HiExchange platform along with, USDC and TUSD. Created with a unique architecture, DAI is a different kind of stable coin that offers better reliability compared with others. […]
How to Exchange USD Coin to PayPal [No Fees]

Want more stablecoins? You can now exchange USD Coin to PayPal on HiExchange platform with the lowest exchange fees. USD Coin is yet another dollar backed stablecoins that offers excellent transparency for investors. Hundreds of companies are now using USDC to hold their assets thanks to the security and reliability. It is yet another strong […]
How to Buy TrueUSD with Payeer [No KYC]

If you’re looking for the best stablecoin, you can now buy TrueUSD with Payeer on HiExchange. HiExchange provides full anonymity with no mandatory KYC or sign up process. And the good news is that the platform offers the lowest possible transaction fees. TrueUSD is a fully transparent and regulated stablecoin. They provide monthly reports on […]
How to Buy USD Coin with Payeer [No KYC]

If you’re looking for a Tether (USDT) alternative, you can buy USD Coin with Payeer USD right here on HiExchange. A few years ago, Tether was pretty much the only stablecoin investors cared about. However, as of 2022, USDC is about to surpass Tether both in market cap and popularity. With over $54 billion in […]
Stablecoin Regulations Imminent Amid UST Crash

Ideas sound great on paper, a stablecoin backed by Bitcoin is an awesome idea. And of course, the smart and educated team marketing the idea to the public are also pretty convincing. But, every now and then, one of these ideas fail. Every now and then, awful ideas with poor execution backed by top-notch marketing […]
Cardano’s Algorithmic Stablecoin Djed Goes Live

Well, stablecoins will be huge in a cashless future where you don’t actually own your money. In fact, one would venture further from reality and say we actually need MORE stablecoins. And in this sector, an algorithmic stablecoin is just what the doctor ordered. For a truly decentralized future, Cardano has let go of ADA’s […]
Top Stablecoins to Buy [Ranked by Security]

“Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”. This is called Murphy’s law and it has been consistently true all throughout history. Why is it important for stablecoins? Well, potentially any stablecoin can lose value due to a multitude of reasons. Be it network issues or simply a lack of sufficient dollar reserve, stablecoins can […]
ARK Invest Ventures into Crypto Market

ARK Invest, a prominent investment management firm has announced an upcoming investment in the crypto market. ARK invest has announced the investment to take place in the form of a merger. Specifically, the firm is merging with the stablecoin firm Circle mostly known for USD Coin (USDC). The news comes at a time when Cathie […]