Making trades has to be quick and straightforward since we all know about the volatility. In general, in order to exchange Bitcoin to Ethereum, traders will usually have to trade BTC to Tether first. With that, you will pay more commission and lose time on a simple trade. Fortunately, HiExchange allows you to instantly exchange Bitcoin to Ethereum to save time and money. On top of that, the trade is fully anonymous since no KYC or Sign Up is necessary.
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What Do I Need to Exchange Bitcoin to Ethereum?
All you need to trade BTC to ETH, is a reliable crypto wallet and an exchange platform to make the transaction. Unlike most platforms, you will not need to sign up on HiExchange and share your personal information.
However, there are good reasons to sign up on HiExchange. You can get to know about our latest deals and offers when you sign up.
Why Trade BTC to ETH?
BTC and ETH are by far the most popular cryptocurrencies out there. Furthermore, they have the largest demand in the market. With the volatility, you might want to make trades and purchase Ethereum to diversify your investments. Sadly, jumping from Bitcoin to ETH will require an extra exchange to Tether.
Whether it’s short-term or long-term, users can exchange Bitcoin to Ethereum without any hassle. As for the fees, the transaction will charge you the lowest possible fees. Head over to HiExchange to see the current fees.
Why HiExchange?
Of course, in order to exchange Bitcoin to Ethereum, you will first need a reliable exchange platform. For that, HiExchange is one of the best options out there.
Every exchange platform must maintain three important characteristics. Anonymity, affordability and reliability. We pride ourselves as a professional platform that offers all three.
For anonymity, HiExchange requires no KYC or even a sign up process. The best way to protect your information is to not share them with anyone. And for that, we respect our customers and do not ask for their personal info.
As for affordability, HiExchange utilizes an automated system to determine the best exchange rates at any moment. By doing so, we have managed to stay on top of the ranks on websites such as Bestchange and OkChanger.
Lastly, reliability is ensured for our customers with 24/7 online support. In case anything goes wrong, you will have our immediate support until the issue is resolved.
How to Exchange Bitcoin to Ethereum?
- Enter the homepage first, then select Bitcoin (BTC) on the left field and Ethereum (ETH) on the right. Enter the amount you want to exchange and wait for the exchange rate to apply.
- Press Exchange and you will go to the next stage where you will enter your ETH wallet details and email address.
- One more time, click on the “Exchange” button and you will go to the next step where you will review your order.
- Complete the captcha and click on “exchange” to go to the next step where you will obtain a tracking ID. At this point, you will have the HiExchange wallet address to send the Bitcoin to. After you have transferred your cryptocurrency, click on Pay Order button. Don’t forget to attach the screenshot for the BTC payment. your order will process swiftly.
- By finishing all the steps above, our team of professionals will send the Ethereum to your wallet ASAP.
Just like that, you have now exchanged Bitcoin to Ethereum. In general, Tether payments don’t take very long to process. Give it a few minutes and the Tether USDT will be in your wallet quickly. In the meantime, you can follow up on your order using the Track ID provided for you. Simply enter the track id in the required section on homepage to see at which point your order is. Remember not to share your Track ID with anyone else.