If only there was a leading social media ecosystem that could push its native crypto asset! Well, apparently, “Zuck Bucks” are the future as Meta is now officially working on its own crypto asset. Having completely forgotten about Facebook’s terrible reputation since the name change, it is now time for the next step. Recently, a report published by Financial Times sheds light on Zuckerberg’s plan for a critical leap ahead for Meta. All that said, there could be a huge investment opportunity ahead considering the scale of Meta’s crypto asset.
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Meta’s Crypto Asset
As we all know, life in physical form is totally overrated. In that regard, metaverse is the new America and luckily, conquering the land of NPCs is totally ethical. With that in mind, Meta is racing toward creating the leading metaverse. Subsequently, Meta is looking to develop its own cryptocurrency specifically for the developing metaverse.
As for details, all we know at this point is that Meta employees are calling the token “Zuck Bucks” which is hilarious. However, the sources noted that at this point, the development is not official. In fact, Meta might push back or cancel the development at any point.
Furthermore, Meta is considering creating social tokens as well as community-based coins. Similiarly, Reddit is utilizing the same tokens mainly to reward contributions. But that’s not all, the company may also issue creator coins or tokens for individual influencers on Instagram. Therefore, the reports indicated a massive plan to develop a digital ecosystem consisting of coins and tokens rather than a single crypto asset.
That Makes Sense!
According to FT, Meta could potentially remove itself from being a centralized force of moderation. Basically, a crypto asset as well as the tokens enable communities to keep themselves in check.
Despite the unofficial nature of this report, there seems to be a solid investment opportunity for early adopters. To put it simply, the demand for Meta’s crypto asset can and will be seriously high. And that is not because you want to use Meta’s services, but you have to! Instagram may or may not be spying on users but honestly none of us can stop looking at Lil Bub (RIP Legend).
Despite this early phase of development, Meta is working on a massive project that already benefits from a large potential investor base. Therefore, it is most definitely worth to keep an eye on Zuck Bucks.
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